Know what you're going to say. Think about
how you'd feel if you were an employer who wanted to fill a position, and you knew that your new employee was going to need an extended period of leave after only a few months. It's just aAir Max France, better idea to be up front about it.Instead, you need to go in there with a plan. Be confident, and have a good idea of your pregnancy and post-pregnancy schedule. While it may be tempting, particularly if you're in the early stages of pregnancy, to dress to hide it and avoid mentioning it, this is dishonest and a bad idea. Remember that it takes a while to get into the new position and to learn the duties, and that there's a lot of effort in training people for new jobs.Nike Air Max BW Femme Don't expect to be able to just wing this one.It's also a good idea to check out employers before you go to the interview. Here's how to deal with being pregnant in an interview.One of the best things you can do in a situation like this is to put yourself in the interviewer's shoes. The best thing you can do is avoid this kind of employer, and stand your ground legally if you find yourself in this kind of situation.The good news is that more and more employers are recognizing the fact that pregnant women have rights in the workplace that need to be respected. If you can tell your potential employer almost exactly when you will and will not be available, and you know how you'll be dealing with leave and child care, you're going to come across as a much better prospect. However, pregnancy leave is still feared. Employers have good reasons for being nervous about hiring pregnant women.However, this shouldn't lead you to be deceptive when you interview. If you're wondering how to approach this some what difficult topic, you're not alone. Even if you're afraid, remember that your employer will definitely find out. My website focuses on helping you succeed before, during and after the job interview. It's unfortunate that pregnancy leave is often the source of a double standard, with people allowed to go on other leave without a problem. So you've just found the perfect job and you're excited about starting. They know that if they retain good employees, they'll make more in the long run. However, the only catch is that you're pregnant and you know you're going to need maternity leave at this job. Employers which are not friendly to pregnant women may try to create a hostile environment or fire you on a technicality if they hire a woman without knowing she's pregnant. This will give you a better idea of how you're likely to do in the interview.Remember your legal rights, too. Find out how your potential company feels about maternity leave and has treated women in the past. Look for this kind of employer,Chaussures Timberland Femme and always be honest in the interview if you hope to get the job.It's time to put yourself in a position to win in all the stages of finding that perfect position. While it's illegal for employers to ask you if you're pregnant or to refuse to hire you because of it, discrimination still exists. Check out related articles: Interviewers Lockerroom For more information on other topics related to interviewing, job fairs, and career planning check out my pages on Squidoo: www.squidoo.com/job-interview-success.
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