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Their credibility was shot in an instant. Make sure what you have on file or in
your database is accurate for each and every client or customer.4.Train and support every member
of your team to respond to customer inquiries and requests in ways that live up
to the reputation you have and your brand promises. Arrangements had been made in advance
to pay for a colleague's accommodation when checking out, but because the colleague had not
yet checked in, pre-payment couldn't be made when my friend went to check out. Build
genuine relationships and watch your business grow.Want to know more? Download Hannah's free report: 'Reputation
Branding Essentials' and opt-in to receive her electronic newsletter, 'Reputationz', at: http://www.hannahsamuel.comHannah is a specialist
reputation advisor, professional speaker, author and founder of online performance-based service directory, TRUSTcite. Instead of
making this guest feel valued, respected and welcome, the administrative errors made her feel quite
the opposite. The study also noted a 5% increase in customer retention can increase profits
by between 25% and 95%.I wonder how much more profitable this hotel might be if
it got the details right and actually turned guests into advocates rather than treating them
like numbers and demonstrating their sloppy, inaccurate systems. The only solution was for her to
remain checked in, tn requin even though she had vacated her room and wished to check-out. 2.Never
assume - ask you client how they wish to be addressed. I certainly won't be
recommending them to anyone with gusto anytime soon.So how can you minimize these types of
errors and enhance your reputation for being great with the details?1.Undertake occasional 'mystery' or 'secret-shopping'
to put yourself in your customers' shoes and identify the actual process they go through,
not the one you think they go through. 'Frederick' might fill out the forms you
require using his full name but may want to receive emails or other correspondence addressed
to 'Fred'. My company won't accept it because it doesn't have their name and address
on it!" A corrected invoice was finally provided and my friend could check-out at last.As
we climbed into a taxi outside the hotel we were still shaking our heads in
disbelief. It matters to me. When my friend pointed this out to the clerk she
said "oh don't worry, that doesn't matter", to which my friend replied "yes it does.
Isn't it wonderful when somebody pays us a compliment or thanks us for something quite
unexpectedly? Not only do we feel good about the compliment or thanks itself, we get
a 'double-shot' feel-good hit from the Tn Requin fact that the person recognized and acknowledged us in
the first place. However, the momentary smile on her face as she read the note
quickly disappeared when she read it was addressed to 'Mr' rather than 'Ms' or 'Mrs'
(whichever she prefers). "Well I can't be that highly valued if they can't even get
my name right" she said as she threw the note into the waste bin.Unfortunately, it
didn't get any better. Would she go back? No. It's the details that count in
every transaction. Would she recommend them to others? An emphatic no.Research undertaken by Bain &
Co notes it's six to seven times more expensive to gain one new customer than
it is to retain an existing one. Then go above and beyond their expectations.6.Always treat
your customers with respect and act with integrity. This intention of the note was simple:
to genuinely and sincerely thank my friend for choosing to stay with them again and
make her feel special and welcome as a returning guest. Actually asking the client is
a pretty radical idea, I know, but it really works!3.Do regular quality checks of data
and information. One of the easiest ways to enhance your reputation, customer loyalty and gain
a legion of raving fans is to recognize and thank the ones you already have.It
seems so simple, but it can be fraught with barbs if done badly. Perhaps the
most important reputation-damager to avoid is over-promising and under-delivering. 5.If you do make mistakes accept
responsibility and find out what will satisfy your customer in terms of making amends. Recently,
an up-market boutique-hotel in Wellington managed to severely damage its reputation through two simple mistakes.A
good friend of mine had stayed at the hotel on business, and as a returning
customer, was pleasantly surprised to find a 'welcome back' note from the Hotel's General Manager
in her room when she checked-in. More than 85% of business comes from referrals in
most service businesses. One would have thought payment in advance would have been welcomed by
most hotels but alas, not by this hotel.My friend's frustration was obvious but she kept
her cool which was useful as the catalog of errors and irritations continued.The bill presented
on check-out had my friend's name (as a Mr) but the company name was not
the name of her company. If you say on your promotional material, "nothing is too
much bother", absolutely make sure this is the case. She regularly comments on issues around
reputation, trust and integrity in mainstream media and on her blog http://www.trustbite.co.nz.
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